
21世紀のポストゲノム解析によって、ヒトゲノムから大量のノンコーディングRNAが産生されていることが明らかになり、その新規機能に注目が集まっています。私たちの研究室では、lncRNAの中から細胞内構造体の骨格として細胞内の形作りを担っているノンコーディングRNAを発見してarchitectural RNA(arcRNA)と命名しました。arcRNAは相互作用タンパク質と共に、細胞内相分離を誘発することによって膜を持たない非膜性オルガネラの形成を主導しています。現在下記の3つのテーマに沿ってarcRNAの作用機構や生体機能の解明を目指しています。

The post-genome analysis has revealed the production of significant numbers of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) from the human genome, drawing attention to novel genomic functions. We have discovered lncRNAs that serve as the architectural backbone of intracellular structures, and we have named them “architectural RNA (arcRNA)”. ArcRNA, in collaboration with interacting RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), leads the formation of membraneless organelles (MLOs) by inducing intracellular phase separation. Currently, we are striving to elucidate the mechanisms of action and the biological functions of arcRNA along the following three themes.



1. Deciphering the lncRNA Code

LncRNAs function based on rules embedded within their RNA sequences. These rules are expected to define a novel genetic code distinct from the canonical genetic code governing protein expression. Using arcRNA as a model system, we are striving to decode the genetic code responsible for its functions. ArcRNA induces phase separation and the formation of MLOs by aggregating specific RBPs. To unravel how proteins recognize and bind to specific arcRNA sequences, initiating phase separation and MLO formation, we employ techniques such as genome editing, super-resolution imaging, molecular interaction analysis, and even theoretical soft matter physics.


Sasaki et al., PNAS 2009; Naganuma et al., EMBO J. 2012; Kawaguchi et al., PNAS 2015; Hennig et al., J Cell Biol 2016; Yamazaki et al., Mol Cell 2018; Yamazaki et al., EMBO J 2021


ノンコーディングRNA には、クロマチン上で様々なエピジェネティック制御を担うもの、細胞内でのデコイとして遺伝子発現を制御しているものなどが知られています。我々が発見したarcRNAは非膜性オルガネラの骨格として、相分離を誘発することによって細胞内空間で隔離した液滴空間を作り出しています。こうして作り出された空間は、特定の生化学反応を効率よく行わせるための「るつぼ」、外界から特定の因子を係留する「スポンジ」、クロマチンの構造起点としての「ハブ」として働いています。そこで、私たちは、こうした機能におけるarcRNAの作用機構とその標的となる生体制御機構について研究しています。

2. Functional Analysis of lncRNA

LncRNAs are known to play various roles, including serving as epigenetic regulators on chromatin and controlling gene expression as decoys within cells. The arcRNA acts as the structural backbone of MLOs, creating isolated liquid droplet spaces within the cellular environment through phase separation. These created spaces function as “crucibles” to efficiently facilitate specific biochemical reactions, act as “sponges” to sequester specific factors from the surrounding intracellular space, and serve as “hubs” of chromatin. Consequently, we are conducting research to understand the mechanisms by which arcRNA operates in these functions and its interactions with the biological control mechanisms that it targets.


Hirose et al., Mol Biol Cell 2014; Ninomiya et al., EMBO J 2020



3. Exploring lncRNA

Thousands of lncRNAs are produced from the human genome. To uncover how many of these function as arcRNAs, we are engaged in the exploration of arcRNAs. We have discovered that arcRNAs exhibit significant resistance to commonly used RNA extraction reagents. To identify novel functional arcRNAs with this characteristic of resistance, we are conducting next-generation RNA sequencing analyses to search for these “semi-extractable RNAs”. Additionally, we are also exploring MLOs sensitive to RNase treatment to investigate MLOs formed by arcRNAs. Our goal is to identify common features among newly identified arcRNAs through comparative analysis, shedding light on their shared characteristics.


Chujo et al., EMBO J 2017; Mannen et al., J Cell Biol 2016